The most comprehensive collection of methods ... and much more!
First of all, the Florence Innovation Project is probably the most comprehensive collection of innovation methods known to us.
Over 600 different methods and tools invite you to browse and can immediately be used as inspiration for your own innovation projects.
Our team from the verrocchio Institute also enjoys clicking through all the methods, making new discoveries and leading the next workshop to success every day.
But there are many other features that make FLIP a valuable companion for innovation professionals.
Der FLIP Index
The Flip “Index” offers 17 practical search topics on all methods and tools of the Florence Innovation Project.
The index gives you a quick overview of the database and a lot of additional practical knowledge about the “?” function.
You will quickly find out which topics are of high practical relevance especially for you. Each search topic also shows you immediately how many tools are referenced there.
The FLIP full text search
The FLIP full text search is the right starting point if you already know what you are looking for.
You can enter a text of any length here, which will then be searched in the entire database.
You can also work with various useful placeholders such as “*” or “?”.
You can also use the well-known operators “AND“, “OR“, “NOT“, “–” and “+“.
For example, the search word “brain” provides all methods that have the word “brain” in the title, such as brainstorming, brainwalking, but also BrainRace or anonymous brainstorming.
The FLIP combination search (PREMIUM)
Here you can comfortably combine more than 350 method properties in 17 search categories to your desired search.
A source of inspiration for innovation professionals – this is the combination search and additionally you can save your searches and call them up again and again.
Are you looking for a method for very specific situations, e.g. small teams that have no experience with innovation workshops? Voila! By combining different By combining different search filters you can easily find the right methods for your challenge.
You can’t find the combination search? The combination search is a function of the premium access.
The FLIP method collections (PREMIUM)
You have favorite methods or maybe already complete workshop concepts? Then simply create one (or more) method collections and access them at any time.
You can create collections for workshops, method types, target groups and much more.
The FLIP handouts (PREMIUM)
You give the participants in your innovation workshops documents/handouts about the learned methods? Then this work becomes much easier, because FLIP offers (in the PREMIUM version) the possibility to print each method in a professional handout format.
In addition, you can create a complete PDF handout of a method collection with just one click.
The FLIP Experiences (PREMIUM)
FLIP is not only a database but also an innovation community.
At each method data set you can record your own experiences to the methods. After a short review by our editorial team, the experiences are made available to all participants.
Often it is really the experiences of colleagues and participants that give the decisive hint for the successful use of a method.
Our big request to you – “Share as much experience as possible”.